Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty or ear pinning with surgery, is often performed on patients with prominent ears or ears which appear to protrude too far from the head. Other reasons for ear surgery include overly large or small ears, ears that are disproportionate to the head or are oddly placed, and ears that have been damaged by injury. At Line Plastic Surgery Center, we perform ear surgery on children with fully formed ears, as well as adults to give the patient a more attractive ear size and shape.

Ears have a surprisingly significant effect on our overall appearance. When our ears look natural and proportional to our face, we hardly notice them. However, if your ears seem too large for your face, protrude prominently from your head, or are misshapen, you may be quite self-conscious about your appearance. Otoplasty or ear pinning surgery reshapes the ear to bring balance and proportion to the face and head. Small modifications to ears can bring dramatic improvements to self-esteem and appearance. Ear surgery patients are among the happiest of plastic surgery patients.

Otoplasty can be an excellent solution for those who are embarrassed by ears that they feel are too large or prominent for their head. Research has linked ear differences as a significant source of anxiety. This short surgery done under local anesthesia can help improve your facial harmony and feel more confident in your overall appearance.

For children, ear surgery before starting school can help them avoid growing up being teased about the shape and size of their ears. If the parents do not notice, men and women alike with prominent ears often seek correction as adults. Men will say they never had their hair cut as short around their ears and women will say that they have been unable to pull their hair back. This operation can be done at the same time as other facial procedures.


Must have ears that have reached their full size, which is usually around 6 years old
– Overly large or small ears
– Ears are disproportionate to the head or oddly placed
– An injury or trauma that has negatively impacted the shape or positioning of the ears
– Prominent or protruding ears (ears stick out too fat from the head)
– Misshapen ears
– Ear buried in the skin (cryptotia)
– Missing a portion of the ear


During the consultation, our doctors will first ask about any events affecting the appearance of the ear, such as whether it was present from birth, or whether a previous injury had changed the appearance. They will examine both ears for symmetry and also determine exactly what anatomic factors are responsible for the appearance. If our doctors determine the patient is a good candidate for the procedure, they will then explain the next steps in going forward with the procedure. Our doctors at LINE will work with the patient to decide all the necessary details that will ultimately give the best Otoplasty results.


At LINE, ear surgery is approximately 2-3 hours and is done under local anesthesia. Depending on the patient’s anatomy and desired changes, our doctors will either make an incision hidden inside or behind the ear. They may also remove excess cartilage or soft tissue if that is what is causing the ear to protrude too much. If the ear lacks normal folds, they will recreate them by shaping the cartilage with permanent sutures or scoring the cartilage in order to contour it. Sometimes, they use a combination of techniques to achieve the desired result. This requires some judgment at the time of surgery to determine which maneuvers are appropriate for the end goal.


– After the surgery, our doctors will place special dressings around the ears to keep the ears well protected during the first week and cover them with surgical earmuffs. Do not get these dressings wet. The special earmuffs will prevent any accidental movement or bumping so the newly created ear fold can heal in place.
– Apply ice packs to the exposed ear area for the first 48 hours without removing the head dressings.
It is very important that the patient keeps their head elevated at all times during the recovery period especially the night after surgery. Sleeping on at least two pillows will help keep the head elevated at night.
– During the recovery period, walking will encourage healing and minimize the risk of blood clots. No strenuous exercise for at least 2 weeks.
– Avoid any activities in which ear might be bent for approximately one month.
– Head dressings will only be removed after 2 to 5 days post-surgery. Only able to wash hair after dressings have been removed at our office for the first time. Use mild shampoo and do not use styling products or blow dry hair for one week. May wash ears in the shower with warm water gently run over them. No rubbing. Pat dry.
– Swelling and bruising will peak on the first 3 or 4 days after surgery but will gradually decrease in about 2 weeks.
– Most patients return to work after 5 days, but many return even sooner depending on occupation.


“A very safe effective way to improve the shape and appearance of a protruding ear.”


“I did specialized training in ear surgery for adults and children from world famous experts in Los Angeles and Boston. I have a background in art and architecture and am detail oriented in my analysis of each patient’s ears and my construction of the best ear shape to fit each person. I will discuss your goals for aesthetic appearance to understand your desires, lifestyle and timing. My goal is to achieve a natural look that is individualized for each of you.



Ear Surgery in adults vs children?

In children, the cartilage is soft enough that splints can be used for contouring during surgery. This is typically done under local or general anesthesia in a surgicenter. Adults however, have harder cartilage, and the procedure must be carried out by removing or repositioning cartilage after making a small incision in the ear. This can be done under local anesthesia in our office.

What are the different options for Ear Surgery?

Every patient will work with our doctors to determine the shape, size, and surface texturing for their ears. Because every patient case is unique, the doctors will discuss at length with the patient to decide on the best incision site based on the patient’s needs and where the patient ultimately wishes the ears will be in relation to his or her face.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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