“BBL fat grafting” refers to a cosmetic procedure known as a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). BBL involves the transfer of fat from one part of the body to the buttocks to enhance their shape and size. Fat grafting involves harvesting fat, washing and purifying it, and then carefully re-injecting it into the areas requiring augmentation. The harvested fat can be injected to enhance volume in tissues where fat has diminished. Many of our doctors’ plastic surgery patients choose to do a Brazilian Butt Lift to achieve a fuller buttock. The procedure may need to be repeated several times to achieve the desired result but can produce long-lasting and natural-appearing results.


– Many people who desire a fuller, more rounded buttock will opt for a Brazilian butt lift, which uses fat transfer instead of an implant.
– Patients with a flat or sagging buttock.
– Patients who want more of a curved silhouette.

– Sufficient fat in belly or thighs for harvesting.


During the consultation, our doctors first ask about the patient’s goals. Specifically what areas of the body the patient would like to remove the fat from, and what areas they would like to put it into. They will go over the patient’s medical history to determine if he/she is a good candidate. Then, they explain the next steps in going forth with the procedure. In order to reach the best results, the patient and our doctors will decide all the necessary details and options together.


To perform a BBL, the surgeon uses liposuction to remove excess fat from different areas of the body. Typically they remove from the abdomen, flanks, thighs, or arms. After liposuction is performed, the fat is purified and washed with an antibiotic rinse, and placed in sterile syringes. Our doctor’s technique is to carefully inject various areas in very small deposits, which ensures that the fat cells receive enough blood supply to live and heal properly. One limitation of the fat transfer is how much fat our doctors can use from liposuction. The volume of the fat transfer depends highly on the amount of available fat after liposuction.

Provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons


– The patient will be put in a compression garment that must be worn at all times for the first two weeks to ensure the fat remains where it was injected.
– Keep the treated areas dry and avoid pressure on the area where fat was grafted. Avoid sleeping on the back and it is recommended to use a large pillow when sitting.
– Can typically return to work after 2 weeks when the swelling and bruising have decreased.
– While patients should walk frequently during the recovery period to promote healing and prevent blood clots, strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least 6 weeks.


“With strategic liposuction and transferring that fat to the buttocks we can improve and narrow the waistline and give you a round and fuller buttocks with a nice curvy silhouette. This is one of the most common procedures we do and one where the patients are usually the happiest.”


“As with liposuction, this works well for patients who have specific areas that they would like improved. There is a limit on the amount of fat that can be transferred safely, so it is best used when the fat can be directed to specific areas in the buttocks. A large number of my patients for fat grafting to the buttocks mention specific hollows in the outer areas of the buttocks, particularly that they have noticed over time. In these patients, directed fat grafting to these areas can be very successful.”



What can I expect from my Fat Grafting Results?

Patients can expect the areas where the fat was transferred to appear softer and fuller, giving a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. Some patients even notice an improvement in skin texture. The survival of the fat and longevity of the results depend on how the fat was harvested and purified, and how and where it was injected. To be performed successfully, fat grafting requires a surgeon with highly developed skills based on experience and knowledge of the technique.

How is the fat harvested?

Our doctors select a site for fat removal based on the physical examination done during the consultation. Our doctors then create a small incision in the area(s) for fat removal and, using a sterile technique, insert a cannula connected to a syringe to carefully extract fat.

How is the fat purified?

For the purification, our doctors process the removed fat to prepare the fat cells for transfer to small syringes that will be used for fat injection. Purification may require the use of a centrifuge to spin the fat or a filtration process to remove impurities.

How is the fat placed?

To place the fat, our doctors prepare the area(s) designated to receive the graft. Our doctors insert a needle or cannula into the incision point of the site being augmented. The injection needle is usually passed in and out of the areas to be augmented multiple times, in what is known as micro fat grafting. Our doctor’s goal is to help patients achieve the most beautiful and natural-looking results.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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