Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery, makes alterations to change the appearance of the nose. This surgery increases or decreases the nasal bridge, reduces the size or width of the nose, narrows the nostrils, changes the angle between the nose and upper lip, or reshapes the tip of the nose. The surgical techniques employed depend primarily on individualized goals that are established for each patient. Patients seeking rhinoplasty might also have a functional complaint, such as difficulty in breathing. A deviated septum or swollen inferior turbinates are common reasons for obstructed nasal airways. Our doctors perform nose surgery for cosmetic or medical reasons with outstanding results.


– The nose may appear too large, too small, or too flat
– The nose does not seem to fit with the rest of the face
– The nose is crooked, badly shaped, or out of alignment
– There’s a nasal blockage inside the nose that causes trouble breathing

– A birth defect exists that the patient wants to have removed


During the consultation, our doctors will first assess the nose and evaluate it in the context to the other parts of the face. This will help to ensure that the surgical plan achieves overall facial harmony. Next, our doctors will explain the next steps in going forth with the procedure and how the procedure will be customized for the patient. If a nose augmentation is needed, a variety of different implant methods can be utilized: silicone implants, cartilage, or donor cartilage.


Rhinoplasty is performed under general sedation in approximately 3 hours. Our doctors will perform either an open or closed approach to the nose surgery. Then, our doctors will take different steps depending on the patient’s needs. For example, if the primary concern is to remove a nasal hump, a surgical rasp or file is used to shave down the cartilage. If the nasal tip is too large, the cartilage is trimmed and stitches are used to reshape it. If the nasal tip is too low, cartilage harvested from the patient’s ear or donor cartilage can be utilized to raise the nasal tip.

Provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons


– Immediately following surgery, our doctors, will place a splint on the outside of the nose to protect it and minimize swelling, as well as packing inside the nose for optimal healing. Avoid getting the splint wet..
– In the first 48 hours, patients should apply surgical cold mask or ice pack to eyelids and exposed areas as many times as possible to minimize swelling (do not put pressure on the nose directly). Expect swilling of nose and eyes after surgery..
– Patients must keep their head and shoulders elevated on 2 or more pillows for the first week post-surgery..
– Avoid straining of any kind, like heavy weight or bending over for one week.
– After splint is removed, do not wear glasses or allow anything else to rest on your nose for 4 weeks..
– Expect mild to moderate pain immediately after surgery. If this happens, take pain medication every 4-5 hours or as prescribed (Do not take pain medication if you don’t have the pain).


“Aesthetic nasal surgery (or rhinoplasty) is a large topic. In fact, there are entire textbooks that are written about this one surgery alone. The reason for that is that the variations of nasal anatomy between different patients, as well as the functional and cosmetic requirements of the procedure, make the operation one that requires careful planning and good communication between patient and surgeon in order to maximize the results. I enjoy aesthetic nasal surgery a great deal. I feel that since the nose is centrally located, small improvements in nasal shape can affect the overall appearance of the face.

In the majority of my patients, I prefer an open rhinoplasty approach, which means that the nasal skin and fat are lifted up off of the underlying cartilage and bone, so that I have complete visualization and control of the nasal framework. This allows me to be as precise as possible in sculpting the nose to create the final goal. Patients’ nasal frameworks vary quite a bit, so after exposing the area, I will usually use a variety of surgical techniques to do so.

Often times, I will use some of the more complex techniques that I have used for the more difficult reconstructive nasal surgery cases, to be used for aesthetics as well. Not every nose is the same, so the operation is highly individualized for each patient.”


“Nose surgery is an art that brings together form and function. I review each patient’s unique nose shape with them so that we can discuss the changes that will look beautiful and natural. I am honest about what is feasible and have an open discussion with every patient. Millimeters of change in the nose can make the face more balanced. As an artist and surgeon, rhinoplasty is one of my favorite operations.

Rhinoplasty alters the nose so that it becomes more balanced in relation to the face. There are many options: changing the tip to be more refined or higher, making the overall nose higher, narrowing the nose, reducing humps, changing the nostrils.

Small changes can make a nose more feminine, masculine, or refined. It can also improve breathing for patients with a crooked nose, deviated septum, or obstructed nostrils.

I am also experienced in Asian rhinoplasty, which is a very specialized field that requires an understanding of different nose anatomy and unique cosmetic desires.

Depending on what you need, your rhinoplasty can be open or closed. Closed means only incisions in the nostrils are done. Open means there are incisions in the nostrils, and a small one across the columella (the narrowest part of skin between the nostrils. ”



What is an open approach to Rhinoplasty?

After numbing the area, our doctors will make incisions to access the bones and cartilage that support the nose. There are two general techniques for making the incisions: open and closed (endonasal). The open rhinoplasty approach fully opens the nose, providing better visualization of the nasal structures and a more direct route for surgical manipulation. The small scar at the base of the nose is barely visible once it heals.

What is a closed approach to Rhinoplasty?

The approach used during surgery will be based on the requirements of the specific procedure and in consideration of the patient’s preference and our doctor’s best judgment. With the closed, or endonasal, approach there is a more limited dissection of nasal tissues, but it offers excellent visualization of nasal structures, and eliminates the visible scar at the base of the nose.

Other options for Nose Surgery?

In addition to incision options, there are various methods for augmenting the nose or smoothing surface deformities.
– Autologous cartilage grafts taken from the nasal septum (the wall inside the nose that divides one air passage from the other) offers the best chance for a natural result. If cartilage and bone have already been removed from the nasal septum, then ear or rib cartilage are other options.
– Although solid silicone implants are available for nasal surgery, these are foreign materials that may become infected or react poorly with your nasal tissues and have to be removed. That is why natural cartilage, if a supply is available, is the best option.
– Fillers may also be injected to smooth the nose, to camouflage deformities or indentations, or to add volume in desired areas. Though fillers are not permanent solutions.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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