Chin implants are common among patients who desire a more forward chin projection or patients who want a more prominent downwards projection. Cheek implants are useful for patients who feel that their mid-face area is sunken in and will help patients achieve higher and more prominent cheekbones. Our doctors believe that moderation is key to a natural appearance. Chin and cheek implants are highly individualized based on each patient’s pre-operative anatomy and goals. The implants are available in various shapes and sizes and are composed of a firm type of silicone that mimics the consistency of bone.


Young patients who have inherited a deficient cheek structure
– Older patients with signs of aging in their cheeks
– Hollow and aged appearance in the lower face and under the eyes
– Patients who have gone through facial trauma and need cheek or chin reconstruction
– Patients with a recessive chin
– Patients seeking facial symmetry and balance with features like the nose, eyes, and ears


During the consultation our doctors will first assess the area of concern, whether that is the chin or cheeks, and evaluate it in the context to the other parts of the face. This will help to ensure that the surgical plan achieves overall facial harmony. Next, our doctors will explain the next steps in going forth with the procedure and how the procedure will be customized for the patient.


Chin implant operations are completed in approximately 1-2 hours under IV sedation anesthesia. During the procedure, our doctors will make a small incision underneath the chin or in the mouth depending on the type of projection desired. Cheek implant operations are completed in approximately 2-3 hours, under general anesthesia. In this operation, our doctors use a lower eyelid incision to place the silicone implant in position.

Provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons


– Apply cold/ ice pack for the first 48 hours after surgery.
– Do not lay flat. Try to stay sit up or head up 30 degrees on your bed.
– If needed, expect to remove stitches 5-6 days after the surgery. Intraoral stitches will be dissolvable and will not need to be removed.
– Expect mild to moderate pain immediately after surgery. Take your prescribed pain killer/ Tylenol as directed.
– Eat soft food for one week after surgery.
– Asymmetry, swelling, abnormal sensation or bruising may persist for 2-3 months after the surgery.

– If patients experience unexpected bleeding from surgical wound, gently compress the wound area with a clean towel and call our office immediately.


“Chin or cheek implants are overall a nice way to change the facial contour. Most patients I see for chin implants would like to have more forward projection of their chin, so that their profile looks more balanced. In some of these patients, they would also like the chin implant to make the face slightly longer as well, to have a more “V-shaped” appearance from the front. For cheek implants, the objective is to have stronger appearing cheek bones in the upper cheek and right in front of the ears.


“Some people have a chin that is not balanced with the rest of the face. The chin may be not prominent enough, or not long enough.

An unbalanced or weak chin may make the nose appear too large, or obscure the jawline.



What is the recovery process for Chin Implants?

Patients will feel tired and sore for a few days. There will be bruising and swelling as well. This is natural since all surgeries involve bruising and swelling of some kind. Patients can alleviate this pain using the prescription medication that our doctors will prescribe. Patients must also attend all follow-up visits so our doctors can check the patient’s progress.

What is the recovery process for Cheek Implants?

There will be numbness when the patient talks, yawns, eats, and does anything that involves the jaw. The sutures in the mouth or eyes will dissolve within 2 weeks. Our doctors advise patients to take up to 2 weeks off from work. Patients will also be advised to follow a soft food diet and avoid strenuous exercise for the next 6 weeks. Patients will have to avoid any situation that involves facial contact like boxing for 2 months.

What kind of implant is used for Chin and Cheeks?

Both chin and cheek implants are composed of silicone and are a permanent solution. Our clinic has several different sizes on hand. Your specific implant will be prepared before the surgery and some adjustments to the implant may be made during surgery to give the best overall contour to the face.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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