Breast augmentation is one of the most common procedures performed by our doctors at Line Plastic Surgery Center. Women may choose to undergo breast augmentation because of breasts that are under-developed, differences in breast size (breast asymmetry), or changes after pregnancy or breast-feeding. In addition, weight loss and aging may change a woman’s breast volume and shape. Breast augmentation can be performed with either saline or silicone implants and may be performed with a breast lift, if needed.


– Correct size differences between the breasts
– Return to a breast size they were before breastfeeding or pregnancy
– Increase the fullness of the breasts
– Increase the substance or firmness of the breasts


During the consultation, our doctors discuss reasons the patients want to have breast augmentation and what their goals are for the surgery. We will also take careful measurements of the dimensions of the patient’s current breasts to aid in the selection of implant(s). Next, or doctors will take a complete medical history, including existing medical conditions, past surgeries, tobacco usage, daily medications, supplements, and allergies. For patients over 40, our doctors will need to see recent mammogram results.

After giving a thorough examination, our doctors and the patient will create a surgical plan and determine the size and type of implant(s) that will best fit the patient’s body. Patients can choose between saline or silicone breast implants. Both are very safe and have been rigorously tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Currently, the FDA allows silicone and saline implants in patients of any age. About 90% of our patients tend to choose silicone because it feels more natural and the other 10% choose saline because it is slightly cheaper.


The procedure usually takes about 1-2 hours to complete. Our doctors will make a small, thin incision either inframmary fold (crease underneath the breast), periareolar (along the areola), or transaxillary (armpit) and then form a pocket under the pectoralis muscle for the breast implant. During the surgery, our doctors will put a temporary implant of the size the patient chose before the surgery and raise up the table to see if the implants look symmetrical. Then we will lower the table back down, take out the temporary implant, wash out the area, and put in the breast implants. Our doctors finish by using a special skin closure technique with multiple layers of dissolvable stitches to give the patient the thinnest, most inconspicuous scar.

Provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons


– Immediately after the surgery, our doctors will add surgical dressings and a support bra to the chest to aid the patient’s recovery.
– Patients may feel stiff and sore in the chest region for about 5 days, but they should be able to walk on their own, which should be done often to promote blood circulation and prevent blood clots.
– Most patients can return to work and light activities in 3 – 7 days, but regular and strenuous activities should be avoided for at least 6 weeks.
– Patients must be careful and gentle with their breasts and attend all follow up appointments with our doctors.


“For women who have had implants placed in the past but no longer desire them, these implants can be removed. There are many options after removal depending on the patient’s desires. This includes replacement of implants with smaller ones, performing a lift, or simply removing and closing the implant pocket”


“To improve breast shape, size and balance, silicone implants are used. Research shows that female plastic surgeons tend to use differently sized and shaped implants for their patients, versus male surgeons.

As a female plastic surgeon, I choose implants that fit their goals and body shape of each patient. I use the most current, advanced techniques to achieve superior results and safety. Each patient’s body is different, and proper planning and discussion tailored to these specific needs is important. ”



Will I need to get another procedure done after some time?

Due to the effects of aging and gravity, some women will need to go through further breast surgeries to reshape their breasts. Other women will simply need a breast lift to maintain their results. There are also a few lucky women out there who won’t need any further surgeries at all.

Can implants in my breast rupture?

Breast implants are not made to last a lifetime. Manufacture warranty lasts about 10 years, but on average, implants last anywhere from 10-20 years. If the implant ruptures in the future, the replacement operation is quite straightforward and usually takes about 30-45 minutes. The previous incision is used so that there is no new scarring, the old implant is removed, the area is carefully washed out, and a new one is placed. If a silicone breast implant is leaking, the gel will need to be removed before placing a new implant. When a saline implant ruptures, the silicone shell simply collapses and is easily removed.

Tips to having a successful consultation?

It is best to wear a sports bra and a form-fitting shirt to the consultation in order to try on tester implants. Our doctors will choose a couple different sized implants that they think will fit. The tester implants should be placed in the bra with the shirt on top to get the best idea of what the implants will look like. The exact cup size that is measured after surgery is not as crucial. What matters most is that the implants fit the body well, and the patient likes how they look.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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